Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations Consolidated
March 5, 2011
Amendments up to February 20, 2024  

1.1 Name The name of this organization shall be BELLE RIVER SENIOR MEN’S HOCKEY LEAGUE (as incorporated), hereinafter referred to as BRSMHL.  

1.2 Aims and Objectives The purpose of the BRSMHL is to maintain and operate an adult recreational hockey league for the enjoyment of residents of the Town of Lakeshore.  

1.3 Membership
1.3.1     Membership in the BRSMHL is restricted to men who have attained the age of thirty-five (35) by September 1st of the current hockey season, subject to rules and restrictions as provided for herein.  
1.3.2     Voting membership in the BRSMHL shall consist of (i) those current players who were on the Draft List for the most recent or current hockey season and (ii) those players who have taken a voluntary leave-of absence for a period not exceeding one year.  Spare players and replacement players who took the place of drafted players for the balance of the most recent or current season are not considered members of the BRSMHL for voting purposes.
1.3.3     In the event a player (as defined by 1.3.2), including a player on the “Spare/Waiting”  list, moves outside the physical boundaries of the Town of Lakeshore, he will be considered an eligible player until such time as he (i) voluntarily relinquishes membership in the BRSMHL, or (ii) exceeds the voluntary leave-of-absence period of one year, or (iii) membership is suspended for any reason.  Should the BRSMHL incur a “non-resident” fee in respect of such player living outside of Lakeshore, then that player is responsible for and must pay said “non-resident” fee in addition to his regular fees or dues. 
1.3.5     Persons wishing to join the BRSMHL will be placed on the “Spare/Waiting List (the most recent copy of which will be displayed at the place normally used for league standings and announcements), provided the person (i) pays a non-refundable $20.00 fee, and (ii) permanently resides in the Town of Lakeshore, and (iii) has attained thirty-four (34) years of age as of September 1st of the current hockey season. The list will be compiled in chronological order, with the latest additions being placed at the end of the list.
1.3.6     A person wishing to play in the BRSMHL must display at a minimum a level of hockey skill such that his participation will not be considered potentially injurious to other members of the BRSMHL.
1.3.7     Any player who was drafted in the BRSMHL in the previous season shall maintain their position on the draft list for the next season provided they are not subject to any of the terms of the rules outlined below which would disqualify them.    

1.4 Administation
1.4.1     The Executive shall consist of the President, Treasurer, Secretary and Three (3)  Members at Large
1.4.2     Each team shall have two (2) Team Representatives, as per the By-Laws. 
1.4.3     Upon death, resignation or incapacitation of any elected or appointed officer, or in the failure of any officer to carry out the duties of his office, the Executive may declare said office vacant and shall appoint a successor to fill said office for the remainder of the term of that office. 
1.4.4     The powers of the Executive shall be provided for in the By-Laws of the BRSMHL.

1.5 Election
1.5.1     The election of the Executive shall be at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) as stated in the By-Laws of the BRSMHL. 
1.5.2     The Team Representatives will be (i) two (2) players designated within each team at the time of the Annual Draft Meeting (ADM), or (ii) failing voluntary designation, a player as appointed by the Executive from within each team. For the purposes of voting on matters of the By-Laws or Rules and Regulations each Team shall have a maximum of one vote.

1.6 Amendments
1.6.1     The Constitution may be amended at any Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the BRSMHL by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership present and voting at the time such amendments are presented to the AGM.
1.6.2     The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive along with the approval of at least four (4) Team Representatives. Any amendment thereto passed by the Executive is effective only until the next AGM unless confirmed thereat, and in the absence of confirmation thereat, shall cease to have effect at and from that time. Confirmation shall be by two-thirds majority vote as specified in paragraph 1.6.1.  The Secretary shall keep a record of all amendments made during the administrative year and bring same forward at the AGM to be voted on by the membership.
1.6.3     Proposed amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws must be presented to a member of the Executive not less than 14 days prior to the AGM, and a copy of all proposed amendments will be posted at the place normally used for league standings and announcements at least one week prior to the AGM.
1.6.4     Amendments or revisions to the Constitution and/or By-Laws, and the term of office of the Executive, shall be effective the later of the day (i) immediately following the last day of playoffs, or (ii) immediately after an annual awards meeting (if awards not presented on same day as last day of playoffs). 
1.6.5     The Executive may amend, change, add to or delete any of the Rule and Regulations, at any time, by a majority of votes at an Executive meeting plus the approval of at least four (4) Team Representatives.

1.7 Meetings
1.7.1     The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the BRSMHL will be held in February of each year, at a time and place to be decided by the President and notice of such meeting date (and reminder of applicable deadline for Constitution, By-Law, or Rules and Regulation amendments to be considered at AGM), will be provided to each Team by notifying at least one Team Representative, and posting of notice at the place normally used for league standings and announcements at least 21 days prior to the AGM. 
1.7.2     The Executive shall meet at the discretion of the President, or a two-thirds majority of the Executive. Additional Board meetings may be called on the request of three (3) or more members of the Team Representatives.  Meetings of the Executive may be held informally by telephone at the discretion of the President.  

1.8 Rules and Regulations (General) Unless otherwise specified herein, the BRSMHL will be governed by the rules and regulations of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association.  

2.1 Administrative Year Unless otherwise ordered by the Executive, the administrative year shall commence the later of the day (i) immediately following the last day of playoffs, or (ii) immediately after an annual awards meeting (if awards not presented on same day as last day of playoffs).  

2.2 Indemnification - Executive All elected executive, directors, appointed officers, staff, volunteers and their heirs, executors, administrators, estate and effects, respectively shall at all times, be indemnified out of the funds of the BRSMHL, from:  (i) all costs whatsoever that the person incurs in any proceeding that is brought against the person for anything whatsoever, made, done or permitted by the person in the execution of the duties of their office, and  (ii) all costs that the person incurs in, or in relation to the affairs of the BRSMHL, except the cost occasioned by the person’s own willful neglect.  

2.3 Voting - Executive
2.3.1     Questions arising at any meeting of the Executive shall be decided by a majority vote.  All votes at such meetings shall be taken by ballot if so demanded by any Executive member, but if no demand is made, the vote shall be taken in the usual way by assent or dissent. 

2.4 Powers - Executive
2.4.1     The Executive shall administer the affairs of the BRSMHL in all things and make or cause to be made for the League in it’s name, any kind of contract which the League may lawfully enter into and generally may exercise all such powers and do all such other acts and things as by this document it is authorized to exercise and do. In all such matters binding the BRSMHL, two (2) of three (3) members of the Executive must sign the applicable documents. 
2.4.2     The Executive shall have the power to enact Rules and Regulations that pertain to the operation of the BRSMHL. 
2.4.3     The Executive shall receive no remuneration for acting as such.  

2.5 Duties of Executive and Team Representatives    (to be established at AGM in 2025)
2.5.1     The President, in matters pertaining to the BRSMHL shall:  (to be established at AGM in 2025)              
         - preside over all meetings                
         - take responsibility for all administrative functions
         - suggest suitable replacement players to Team Representatives as required (as per guidelines hereinafter contained).               
        - will maintain/ update BRSMHL website (may designate someone to do it) 
2.5.2     The Members at large , in matters pertaining to the BRSMHL shall: (to be established at AGM in 2025)              
         - take minutes of all meetings and keep records of same
         - during absence of President act in his behalf              
          - maintain the “Draft List”, and the “Spare/Waiting List”
          - call replacement/spare goaltenders              
          - perform such duties as may from time to time be determined by the Executive.
2.5.3     The Treasurer, in matters pertaining to the BRSMHL shall:  (to be established at AGM in 2025)              
          - keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the BRSMHL in proper form, and report at the AGM as to the financial position of the league              
         - deposit all monies or other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of BRSMHL in such bank as may from time to time be designated by the Executive              
         - disburse funds of the BRSMHL under the direction of the Executive               
          - prepare the annual budget
2.5.4     Team Representatives, in matters pertaining to the BRSMHL shall:              
           - draft players for their respective teams at the Annual Draft Meeting.             
           - inform players on their Team as to scheduling, rules, monies owing, etc.             
           - inform the Executive immediately of injuries, illness, or other absence of a player that will result in the player missing the remaining of the season (five or more games).
            - be required from time to time to give their approval/disapproval to the selection of replacement players on other teams.
            - inform the Executive if any change in the sponsorship of their team occurs or is anticipated.
2.5.5    The sponsor (sponsor representative) in matters pertaining to the BRSMHL:
            - Provide jerseys and socks (one time) of acceptable quality (currently using KG3) with their logo on it. The sponsor will be given a base color but may choose any design within that spectrum provided it does not conflict with an existing team. All choices are subject to executive approval.
           - Sponsorship will be a minimum 6 year term. The Executive along with recommendations of the 6 team representatives will review the condition of each team's jerseys at the AGM.  Upon determination, sponsors will be required to replace jerseys or may opt out and elect to have a new sponsor come on board. Should a sponsor elect to leave the league the following season, he is required to notify the Executive no later than the date of the AGM.
         - The league will provide 3 pairs of additional socks each year to help replace damaged ones.

2.6 Dues and Fees Payable There shall be annual dues or fees payable by members as shall from time to time be determined by the Executive and shall be confirmed at the AGM.  Dues and fees for the following season are to be paid by cheque or cash prior to the commencement of the playoffs.  Players are in default when not paid for the next season by this time. Players in default are barred from playing in playoff games, and teams may not replace these players. Cheques for annual dues may be postdated to August 1st.  Dues not received by the last playoff game day are subject to a $25.00 late penalty, and if such late dues or fees (including penalty) are not paid prior to at least 7 days prior to the Annual Draft Meeting, (provided the player has not indicated his intention to take a one year leave-of-absence) the player will cease to be a member of the BRSMHL. Should a player withdraw from the league (ie. take a voluntary leave-of-absence) within seven (7) days of the Annual Draft Meeting,  he will be charged a $25.00 deduction from any refund he may be entitled to (this may be waived at the discretion of the Executive if the withdrawal is due to circumstances beyond the control of the player in question).  

2.7 Meetings
2.7.1     The AGM or other general meeting shall be held at a facility in the Town of Lakeshore as the Executive shall determine. 
2.7.2     At every AGM a financial report shall be presented and members of the Executive elected.  2.7.3     The Executive shall have the power to call at any time a General Meeting of the members.  Notice of such meeting shall be as prescribed for the AGM and as set out in Paragraph 1.7.
2.7.4   The order of business at all meetings shall be as follows:
              (a) Call to order
              (b) Minutes of previous meeting & business arising from minutes 
              (c) Treasurer’s report
              (d) New business and/or open discussion
              (e) Amendments to Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations
              (f) Election of Executive (at AGM)
              (g) Adjournment
2.7.5     Elections.  The current Executive will solicit input from the membership and prepare a slate of members to fill the Executive for the upcoming year. Nominations may be made from the floor at the AGM by any member in good standing of the league, duly seconded by another member in good standing.  In the absence of a nomination the effected position will remain vacant until such time as the other Executive members fill the position by appointment.  Should an election be required in the event there are two or more members running for a position on the Executive, then that election shall be by means of a secret ballot. 
2.7.6     A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting shall consist of not less than five (5) members present in person. 
2.7.7     Voting of Members.  Only members of the league in good standing, as defined in Paragraph 1.3, shall be eligible to vote at meetings.  At all meetings every question shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present in person.  Every question shall be decided in the first instance by a show of hands, unless a secret ballot is demanded by a member.  In the case of equality of votes at any general meeting, the President will cast the deciding vote. In matters relating to the Constitution or By-Laws, a two-thirds (2/3) majority shall be required.  Voting by Proxy will not be allowed. 
2.7.8     Miscellaneous.  Amendments to motions at the AGM are permitted.   

2.8  Structure of League and Teams
2.8.1     The BRSMHL shall consist of six teams, each consisting of sixteen (16) players including the goaltender, as selected at the Annual Draft Meeting.  Players drafted in rounds 1-5 are deemed to be "A” players, rounds 6-10 are deemed to be "B" players and rounds 11-16 are deemed to be "C" players.  All goaltenders must be included in the draft (cannot be drafters) unless the goaltender is the sponsor of the team.  

3.1 Ice Time and Scheduling
3.1.1     All regular season games are to be played at the Lakeshore Arena on Monday nights. Tournament and Championship Game times shall attempt at all times to be as close to “traditional” or “past practice” times and dates as practical. 
3.1.2     A complete season shall consist of games on Monday nights beginning the week after Labour Day and typically ending at the end of March, allotted as follows:  
     - The final 5 Monday games before the Christmas tournament counting in both the regular standings and in Christmas Tournament standings.
    - Games played on Boxing Day will constitute the Christmas Tournament (the results of these games will not be included in regular standings).
   - Games on Mondays for the remainder of the Regular Season
   - The final 5 Monday games will constitute the “Playoffs”, whereas each team will play each of the other five teams once and points will be accumulated separate of the regular season totals.
   - The final game will be the League Championship game, whereas the team finishing 1st in the playoffs will play 2nd in the “A” flight championship, etc.
3.1.3     A regular season game (and any game where 1h20m is available for play) shall consist of a three (3) minute warm-up followed by two (2) twenty-two (22) minute stop time periods.  The teams shall not switch ends of the ice for the second period.  The ice surface shall be cleaned after each game.
3.1.4     A tournament game (and any game where 1h0m is available for play) shall consist of a three (3) minute warm-up followed by two (2) fifteen (15) minute stop time periods. The ice surface shall be cleaned prior to the start of each game. 
3.1.5     Championship games (where 1h30m is available to play) shall consist of a three (3) minute warm-up followed by two (2) twenty-two (22) minute periods. 
3.1.6     In the event that a Championship game ends in a tie.  The B final will have a 3 person shoot-out followed by a sudden death shoot-out if still tied.  The A final will have a 4 on 4 sudden death OT followed by a 3 person shoot-out and a sudden death shoot-out if still tied.  Shooters cannot shoot again unless the complete roster has taken a shot. 

3.2 Penalties and Suspensions 
3.2.1     Minor penalties will be two (2) minutes stop time, unless the penalized (shorthanded) team is scored upon, in which case the minor penalty shall end.  Major penalties will be five (5) minutes stop time. 
3.2.2     If a player receives five (5) minutes or greater in combined penalty minutes during a game , that player will be ejected from the remainder of that game and serve a minimum one (1) game suspension, to be served in the game that is next regularly scheduled (League,  Tournament or Playoff) for that team.  In the event a player receives a second suspension during the course of a season for any reason, he will be suspended indefinitely until case is reviewed by the League Executive and Disciplinary Committee. 
3.2.3     In the event a player habitually displays conduct not in accordance with the sportsmanship standards normally acceptable to the majority of league members, or commits a gross infraction during the course of a game, or at the request of the Referee’s representative, the Executive and Disciplinary Committee will consider disciplinary measures to that player ranging from a letter of reprimand to a full expulsion from the league, depending on the severity and frequency of the infraction(s).
3.2.4     The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of the League Executive and a Team Representative from each team provided the Team Representative is not the subject of or involved in the action or incident being reviewed. 
3.2.5     A player who drops his gloves for the purpose of fighting, or fights without removing gloves, or any use of a stick in an attempt to injure or provoke another player into a fight, will result in an automatic game misconduct and a three game suspension for the aggressor.  If an opposing player retaliates he shall receive a game misconduct and whatever further suspension, if any, the Executive deems appropriate. 
3.2.6     If a player receives a combination of major and misconduct penalties, the result is compounding suspensions (ie. a three (3) game suspension will result). 
3.2.7     All major penalties and misconducts shall be subject to review by the League Executive and disciplinary committee.
3.2.8     Suspensions shall remain on your record for a period of 5 years from the date of the incident.

3.3 Exceptions to Regular Hockey Rules 
3.3.1     The red (center) line does not apply in situations pertaining to “icing” of the puck.  The red (center) line does not apply to “two line” or “offside” passes. 
3.3.2     Body checking is strictly prohibited.  Body contact is permissible as long as rules pertaining to obstruction, roughing, checking, etc. are not violated.
3.3.3     “Slapshots” are not allowed.  The blade of the players stick shall not leave the surface of the ice in preparation of striking the puck.  Should a player take a  “slapshot” as determined by the referee, he will be given a minor penalty.  The act of faking a “slapshot”, whether intentional or otherwise, shall also result in a minor penalty being assessed in the discretion of the referee.
3.3.4     Players must wear C.S.A. approved equipment, and all players must wear a helmet with a half visor/cage or full visor/cage. Mouth guards are recommended for those wearing half visor/cages to meet minimum insurance requirements.

3.4 Annual Draft Procedure
3.4.1     In August of each year preceding the upcoming hockey season, the President, in consultation with other Executive members and Team Representatives, will establish a convenient time and place for a the Annual Draft Meeting (ADM) of eligible players of the BRSMHL.  
3.4.2     Each team will be allowed a maximum of three (3) representatives at the ADM (2 coaches & 1 sponsor).  Attendance at the ADM is limited to such representatives and the league Executive. The Executive must approve all Teams’ choices of draft participants.  A goaltender shall not draft a team under any circumstance.  No team can have 2 players ranked as first rounders as a coach.
3.4.3     A list of eligible full time players will be established by the League Executive prior to the ADM. 
3.4.4     The draft will proceed as follow:
    (i) All players who are drafting teams, all team sponsors and other players  who are not being drafted (pre-assigned to a team) shall be rated by the Executive prior to the draft. In the event someone wants to challenge the rankings it shall be done prior to the draft and shall be voted on by the League Executive and a Team Representative from each team provided the Team Representative is not the subject being reviewed, a 2/3rds majority is required to overturn the ranking. ( 6 out of 9 votes).
    (ii) For identification purposes, Teams will be assigned a number corresponding to their alphabetical name ranking (A’s first, etc.). 
    (iii) Draft order will be determined by a cutting of cards; cards Ace (1) through six (6) will be shuffled and dealt to each team, team with the Ace gets to pick their draft position, team with card 2 picks their position, etc. until all six teams have a draft position. 
    (iv) Draft will commence with each round reversing in order (ie. team that picked first in the first round will pick last in the second round, etc.) until all players are selected from list of players (total of 16 players per team). 
    (v) A period of not less than 15 minutes will be allowed for teams to negotiate trades. 
   (vi) In the event a trade(s) are made, a Team will place the acquired player(s) on their draft list in the appropriate spot as to the overall draft order. An “A” player may only be traded for another “A” player, and a “B” player may only be traded for another “B” player.
   (vii) Following the end of the regular draft selection, the Team Representatives will be asked to assist in assigning a hypothetical draft placement by ranking each player as a 1-5, 6-10, 11-16 pick for all the remaining players on the “Spare/Waiting” List, the purpose of which is to assist the Executive in the assignment of replacement players throughout the season.  

3.5 Annual Fees, Refunds
3.5.1     The fee for full time  members of the league will be  determined at the AGM.
3.5.2     If a player request to leave comes after the first playoff game has started, no refund or replacement player will be provided.
3.5.3     The fee for players designated by the Executive as a “Replacement Players” for injured  players during the course of the season shall be an estimate of the number of games to be played by the Replacement Player. Such fee shall be due and payable prior to the Replacement Player participating in league play.  It is the responsibility of the Team Representative to inform and collect the appropriate fee from the player and forward same to the Treasurer. 
3.5.4     There shall be no fees payable for players who are taking their voluntary one year leave-of-absence, however should they desire to re-enter the league they must provide payment for the next full season of play in accordance with Paragraph 2.6 herein.  If a position is available they can re-enter the league. Current players who've played a full season will not lose a spot to a returning player.  Replacement players who have played a partial season are not guaranteed a position since returning players will be called first.  Returning players order shall be listed from shortest leave to longest leave and will be called in that order.   

3.6 Replacement Players
3.6.1     The procedure for long term replacement (for the balance of the season) of a regularly drafted player shall be as follows:
    (i) The Executive with the recommendations of the Selection Committee will find a suitable players (skill wise and position wise).
    (ii) The Executive (prior to the start of the Season) will appoint a Selection Committee (consisting of 6-10 members) whose sole purpose is to determine who would be a suitable replacement for a departing player. The requesting team may consult the Selection Committee but only to make suggestions of players or positional requirement.
3.6.2     In the event a team uses a player that is not a league member, that team will be penalized two points for a first infraction, four points for a second infraction, etc. 
3.6.3     Fees and refunds for replacement/absent players shall be as per Paragraph 3.5.3 and 3.5.5 herein.  
3.6.4    In the event a Replacement Player is called upon to play and indicates that he will be unable to play for a specific period, up to and including the complete current hockey season, he will maintain his spot on the “Spare/Waiting List” for that season, but will be ineligible to replace any other player during the period so indicated; if called upon in subsequent seasons as a replacement and a refusal or unwillingness to play is indicated for a second time, then that player will be dropped to the end of, or removed from the “Spare/Waiting” List at the discretion of the Executive.  

3.7 Goaltender Replacement
3.7.1   The list of spare goaltenders will be kept separately and in addition to the Spare/Waiting List of other players.  The spare goalies will be ranked at the draft as an A or B.  A goalie drafted in the first 8 rounds will be considered an “A” goalie and a goalie chosen in round 9-16 will be considered a “B” goalie. For the purposes of short term replacement of a regularly drafted goaltender for any reason, to the extent possible an “A” goaltender will be replaced by an “A” spare and a “B” goaltender will be replaced by a “B” spare.  Short term replacement shall be defined as any absence that is anticipated to be less than five (5) weeks.  The League Secretary shall be responsible for assigning short term replacement of goaltenders. 
3.7.2   In the event a goaltender is required to be replaced for a period of five (5) or more games,  the President will replace the goalie with a replacement goalie from the top of the list in the appropriate draft placement ranking per 3.7.1

3.8 Leave-of-Absence  
3.8.1   If a member of the League as defined in 1.3.2 desires to take a “leave-of-absence” from an entire season of play for a reason that is not  injury or medically related, it is requested he  inform the League Executive of this decision at the earliest possible opportunity; if the player does not inform the League at least seven (7) days prior to the draft of his intention to take a leave-of-absence, or after the draft meeting but before the start of the season, he will be subject to a $25.00 late payment fee as per paragraph 2.6. 
3.8.2     A player may take a “leave-of-absence” greater than one year if (i) the absence is due to injury and the player indicates a desire to eventually return to the League, or (ii) a player was elected to a position in a Municipal, Provincial, or Federal office, or for other reasons acceptable to the League Executive.    
3.8.3     A player, including a player on the Spare/Waiting List, taking a “leave-of-absence” shall maintain his position on the annual draft eligibility list for two (2) seasons, and shall not be required to have any monies on deposit with the League. After missing two (2) consecutive seasons the player will be given the option to be draft eligible, if he so chooses to reject the option, he will be taken off the draft eligibility list. The player will be eligible to return next season provided they inform the league no later than May 1st, and there is a spot available. I f no Spot is available they will be placed at the top of the wait list. 
3.8.4   A Goaltender will be allowed to miss 1 full season for approved reasons and will still maintain their position on the draft list for next season. A replacement goalie will be placed in the draft as a 1 year injury replacement player, and not be allowed to maintain their position as defined in 1.3.7        

3.9 Tie Breaking Formula   
3.9.1   In the event of a tie in points at the end of the regular season, round-robin portion of the playoffs or Christmas Tournament, the following tie breaking factors shall apply: 
1. Most wins
2. Winner between the tied teams when they played Head to Head (not applicable in a 3 way tie)
3. Regular season standings (applicable for Christmas Tournament & Playoffs only)
4. Percentage as calculated by dividing the teams total “Goals For” by the sum of the teams “Goals For” plus “Goals Against”, GF/(GF+GA)
5. Fewest goals against
6. Most goals for
7. Coin toss
3.9.2   In the event two or more teams are tied down to plus/minus factor, and in the event a team has forfeited a game during the playoffs or a tournament, the plus/minus statistics for games against the “forfeited team” will be removed for the tied teams prior to calculating the plus/minus totals. (end)                                                                               

2024 /02/20
1.4.1       returned secretary prevously removed last year
2.5        Adjusted to be dertimened at 2025 AGM
1.4.1   removed secretary added 3 members at large
2.5     added to be determined at the 2024 AGM
3.1.5   changed length of period to 22 mins and removed scrape between periods
1.3.7  added draft list position rule
3.8.3   added spot available clause
3.8.4   added goaltender exception to 1.3.7
2.5.5   updated sponsor and jersey replacement
3.1.5   added flood between periods for championship games
3.4.2   updated to 3 reps at ADM
3.5.2   added rule for drop out deadline
3.6.1   updated player replacement
3.9.1   added regular season as part of tie breaker
3.1.2    updated Christmas Tournament to full round robin
3.3.4    added mandatory visors
3.4.2    updated that no goalie can coach a team
3.6.1    updated mid season replacement player rule
3.7.1    updated goalie ranking rule
2.8.3    removed
3.4.2    added that no team can have 2 first rounders as coaches
3.7.1    added with goalie ranking
3.7.2    added with updated long term goalie replacement procedure
2.5.5    added sponsor obligations
2.8.3    amended goaltender replacement policy
3.4.4    (i) removed 3 players ranking coaches and added ranking challenge
3.7.1    removed - refer to 2.8.3
3.9.1    changed tie breaker format
2.7.4    amended meeting format by relabeling section as new business/open discussion
3.1.1    removed term Rink A and specified time
3.2.2   amended penalty term as five (5) minutes or greater
3.2.7    added major & misconducts are subject to review
1.3.1    removed town of Lakeshore resident requirement for membership
3.2.2   amend penalties term to infractions (minor & misconduct)
2.6       amended to say last game of playoffs
3.1.2     added 1 more game to the Christmas Tournament
3.1.3     amend to (2) 22 minute periods
3.1.6     added to show OT & Shoot-Out for Championship games
3.2.2     amend to say game misconduct instead of just misconduct
3.2.7     removed the suspension appeal process
3.2.8     added length of time suspension stays on record
3.5.3     removed established rate of $12 per game
3.5.4     amended to show rules for re-entry into the league
3.6.1     (ii) amend replacement player process
3.6.1     removed (iii), (iv), (v) & (vi)
3.6.2     amend to accommodate penalty for player playing that is not in the league
3.7.1     (ii) amend to read first goalie on list
3.7.1     (iii) amend to read top to bottom list
3.7.1     (iv) amend to read not on list instead of other list - remove all lines that say deleted
2.5.1     added maintain/update website to presidential responsibilities 
2.8.1    Change to “sixteen” from fifteen was a typo and applied ranking change   
3.2.7     added “unjust penalty” appeal process
3.4.4     changed ranking players into 3 groups
3.6.1     (ii) added from the top of list in appropriate ranking
3.6.4     changed indefinite time to second time and will be dropped
3.8.3     put a limit of 2 seasons on a leave of absence  
2.8.1    goaltender must be included in draft unless they sponsor the team
3.1.2    eliminate Position Night and game during March break
3.1.2    change Christmas Tournament to 2 games before & one on game Boxing Day
3.4.4    drafters, sponsors and players assigned to teams shall be rated before draft
2.6        dues and fees are due by start of the playoffs for player to play in playoffs
1.1        incorporate BRSMHL
2.8.1     change teams to consisting of sixteen (16) players including the goaltender
2.8.2     deleted, eliminate drafting spare players, increase the number of full time skaters  
2009/02/26    remove prohibition of consuming alcoholic beverages at the AGM
3.4.4(vi)  specify “A” player must be traded for “A” player, “B” player for “B” player at draft
3.5.5      remove completely
3.6.1      change language in conjunction with 3.6.1 (i) 
3.6.1(i)   specify player is replaced only when he will be miss the balance of season
1.3.5    Waiting List fee increased to $20
3.3.1    eliminate red (centre) line for offside passes
3.4.3   specify spare players will be rated as 6 A and 6 B players prior to the draft
1.3       exempt Harry Campeau from residency requirements
3.2.2    clarify that any second suspension in a season may be subject a disciplinary hearing
3.4.2    specify Executive must approve a Team’s choice of draft participants  
2.5.2    add - call replacement/spare goaltenders” to Secretary duties (to reflect actual practice)                    3.1.4   tournament game time changed to forty-five (45) minutes (to reflect actual practice)  
1.8     dropped word “and” from reference to CAHA, (typographical error)  
2.4.1   add wording indicating two (2) of three (3) executive members to sign documents on behalf of BRSMHL
3.9      add tie-breaking formula to rules and regulations  
3.2.4   change Disciplinary Committee definition so as to include Team Reps, provided Rep is not the person subject to discipline or involved in incident 
3.2.5   change wording to indicate that “If another player retaliates…”   
3.4.3   correct four (4) to six (6), (typographical error)
3.8.2   new/revised leave-of-absence policy to reflect actual practice