Thank you to those members that attended the AGM meeting last night. The following are some key points for updates to the league:
1. Thank you to Jake Chevalier for accepting his nomination to be league President!
2. Thank you to Marc Roy for volunteering to join the Executive Team.
3. Thank you to all team sponsors for their continued support, ensuring the league runs each year. Thank you to all coaches for volunteering their time and effort into selecting teams and ensure games run smoothly each week . We look forward to all team sponsors returning next year.
4. Voting membership now includes ALL active members and ALL members on a Leave of Absence.
5. Player / Goalie entry fees for the 25-26 season will remain the same as the previous year.
6. The deadline to pay for the subsequent season changed to April 30th ; failure to pay by that date will result in the member being placed on a Leave of Absence. This member can be removed from the Leave of Absence and enter the draft list if payment is made before all empty spots are filled from the Waitlist.
7. Any incident that involves head contact (punch, elbow, high stick, cross-check, etc.) , will be eligible for a league review, regardless of the call made on ice by the referee.
Game Time
March 3rd 2025
7:15pm Chevalier Woodworking Victoria Steel
8:35pm Canada Construction Create
9:55pm Disc 'N Dat Active
March 10th 2025
No Games - March Break
March 17th 2025
7:15pm Chevalier Woodworking Create
8:35pm Canada Construction Active
9:55pm Disc 'N Dat Victoria Steel
March 24th 2025
7:15pm Active Create
8:35pm Disc 'N Dat Chevalier Woodworking
9:55pm Canada Construction Victoria Steel
March 31st 2025
7:15pm TBD TBD - B Finals
8:45pm TBD TBD - A Finals
All games are at the Atlas Tube Recreation Centre
(447 Renaud Line Road, Belle River )
Game times are on Rink B - unless otherwise mentioned on the schedule
If you wish to join the waitlist, please contact a Board Member with your contact information, and a $20 non-refundable deposit
President = Jake Chevalier
Treasurer = Jason Comartin
Secretary = Peter Tsuchiya
Member at Large = Denis Belanger
Member at Large = Jeremy Koning
Member at Large = Marc Roy