Attention BRSMHL Members!
This year's Annual General Meeting (AGM)will be held on Tuesday February 25, 2025 in the 2nd floor Board Room of The Rock rink at the Atlas Tube Centre.
All full-time BRSMHL members are encouraged to attend as there will likely be several rule change proposals presented that will need to be voted on.
All members of the BRSMHL have a vote for any item that requires one, but you must be present at the meeting to vote.
Just a reminder that any full-time BRSMHL member may submit proposals for amendments to our league constitution and/or by-laws. The current league constitution and by-laws can be found on this website under the 'Rules / AGM' tab.
All proposed constitution or by-law amendments must be presented to a member of the Executive by February 12th, 2025 in order for them to be included on the agenda at the AGM.
Feel free to reach out to a member of the Executive if you have any questions.
Game Time
December 23rd 2024
7:15pm Canada Construction Victoria Steel
8:35pm Active Create
9:55pm Disc 'N Dat Chevalier Woodworking
December 26th 2024
11:00am TBD TBD
12:30pm TBD TBD
January 6th 2025
7:15pm Create Victoria Steel
8:35pm Disc 'N Dat Canada Construction
9:55pm Chevalier Woodworking Active
All games are at the Atlas Tube Centre
(447 Renaud Line Road, Belle River )
Game times are on Rink B - unless otherwise mentioned on the schedule
If you wish to join the waitlist, please contact a Board Member with your contact information, and a $20 non-refundable deposit
President = **** PENDING ****
Treasurer = Jason Comartin
Secretary = Peter Tsuchiya
Member at Large = Denis Belanger
Member at Large = Jake Chevalier
Member at Large = Jeremy Koning